Shared History/Decolonising the Image
15 May‚ 04 June 2006 at W139, Amsterdam
curated by Delphine Bedel and Sophie Berebi
How is decolonisation represented through images, in popular culture, film, photography and art? Where are the images of decolonisation? What is the legacy of those images in our culture? What does it mean to ‘decolonise’ an image? These are some of the questions this project in four parts seeks to raise and put forward for discussion.
International and interdisciplinary in its scope, Shared History/Decolonising the Image combines an art exhibition, a video lounge and a three-day academic conference with a film programme presented in four different venues throughout Amsterdam.
photo credits Ilya Rabinovich
Shared History/Decolonising the Image
Native New Yorkers
In this one-minute videoloop entitled Native New Yorkers, a deerskin is concentrically cut-up; deconstructed and via a time-lapse of transitional images, unravels.
New World Order
Elsewhere in the exhibition, two texts are facing each other, one print lighter than the other but both formatted to look the same size, and have the same layout. The texts come from two different sources, an English textbook, the other a letter from the Munsee (Native Americans) addressed to President Zachary Taylor. Though both offer a metaphor for measuring the value of an amount of land, the way in which the anecdote has been transmitted within the narrative is marked by a distinct divergence.